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About KoKo Pet Products

KoKo Pet Products started in 2002 selling directly to the independent pet shops throughout the UK – Now selling direct in 2023

Quality Products for Pets Picked by Us Chosen by You

Hello I have written this page a few times with the normal cheesy sales pitches but decided just to do a real about us (or rather me) page!

I have been involved in selling pet products for more years than I care to remember.  Definitely over 30, but under 40!

Twenty of those years were spent doing most of the roles for KoKo Pet Products, my baby!

I can remember clearly the day when John and I my then business partner decided to give it a go and I wanted to come up with a unique name (KoKo was unique back in 2002). I was going through name generators and when I saw KoKo it just really stuck!

A friend offered to get someone to design the branding, and here it is still in use today.


Just about every pet site I looked at had a product tester…

Well this is Barney, 13 years old and this picture is his claim to fame, it has had 50k+ views on a Google review for a Beach here in sunny Lincolnshire.

Now as a product tester he is not too brilliant, that’s his favourite toy a Tennis Ball.  Nothing else interests him, so a bit of a failure in the toy testing department…

Treats, well he will only eat soft treats, anything that takes a bit of work is just too much effort!

Collars and leads I am sure he loves them but hey it’s not as if he can critique them.

Dog Beds now here is his specialist subject he loves his beds so much, so you couldn’t really call it testing, he will sleep in or on anything!

So rather than my product tester, I think he should be the KoKo Pet Mascot…


KoKo Pet Products

On to the cheesy sales pitch, maybe…

Here is our mascot when he was young and care-free, well except for surviving a bear hug from my youngest daughter.

This bit of text is only here to post yet another picture of Barney…

Right at the end of this homage to Barnes, I will tell you that I have always looked for the best products at affordable prices. There is nothing I would sell that I wouldn’t happily let Barney use, or for that matter your most favourite pet.

Being a bit old in the tooth, my previous versions were littered with Pet Parent and fur baby, which seem like the new marketing terms for Hoomans (another one) like us.

I am not a pet owner nor a pet parent, he owns me!!

If you got this far, well done now go and buy some great KoKo Pet Products!